Umhausen lies in the middle of the Ötztal and is therefore an ideal base for many activities for you and your children. Here you can find some tips on what to do in the Ötztal. Of course we also readily answer all your questions at the hotel. We have made many outings with our kids and are happy to advise you:
- Stuibenfall in Umhausen - Tirol’s biggest waterfall – (by foot or with a baby carrier)
- Ötzi-Dorf in Umhausen - playgorund, archery and animals
- Ötztaler Greifvogelpark in Umhausen - bird show
- Wasserwaalweg Arzwinkel in Umhausen - this former irrigation ditch still flanked by a streamlet
- Kneippanlage und Fußparcour in Umhausen
- Badesee Umhausen - water fun for the whole family
- UMhausen rund UM - nice family hiking
- Schafwollzentrum Umhausen - sheep’s wool centre; What is made from wool?
- Spielplatz in Tumpen - small hiking with nice playground
- Widiversum in Hochetz - short hikes and a big playground
- Kids Park in Oetz - playground
- Freischwimmbad in Oetz - Outdoor swimming pool
- Piburger See - nice hike to a lake
- Waldspielplatz Ochsenbrunn - playground in Ochsengarten
- Zauberwald in Sautens
- Freischwimmbad in Sautens
- Freischwimmbad in Haiming
- Geo-Lehrpfad Forchet in Sautens
- WIDIs Kinderprogramm - from May to October
- (Tierische) Familienerlebnisse - find your experience
- Larstigalm in Niederthai - leisurely hike and a nice petting zoo (in the winter a fantastic toboggan run)
- Playgrounds in Umhausen
- Wiesle in Niederthai - small hiking
- Aqua Dome - Tirol Therme in Längenfeld - with children area
- Winkelbergsee in Längenfeld - nice hiking and water fun
- Hängebrücke in Längenfeld -
- Themenwege im Ötztal - familyfriendly hiking tips
- Freizeitarena Sölden - indoor swimming pool with children area
- Bike Republic Sölden
- Naturparkhaus Ötztal in Längenfeld
- Apfelmeile in Haiming - nice playground
- Schatzsuche im Ötztal - explore nice places
- Mühle in Piburg
- Ötztaler Radweg - bikeroute Ötztal
- Habicher See in Oetz - nice beuatiful lake
- Geocaching im Ötztal
- Outdoor Parcour Ötztal - for biiger children
- Alpine Coaster in Hochimst - Summer tobbagging
- Area47 - Outdoorpark (for children older than 10 years)
- Alpenzoo in Innsbruck